It's time for you to generate more profits and feel confident in your business!



 Watch these videos in 30 minutes or less! 

If you know in your heart that:

  • Your biz is not making the money you desire
  • You are still battling limiting beliefs that block your income potential
  • P&L sounds like a foreign object
  • You’re living lost and confused about how to manage your business finances

Then this is your time to


If you know in your heart that your biz is not making the money you desire, that you are still battling limiting beliefs that block your income potential and if P&L sounds like a foreign object and you’re living lost and confused about how to manage your business finances, then this is your time to BOSS UP TO BUILD UP!

Get ready to boss up your business finances and build a CEO mindset.

This 2-part video series will leave you confident in your business and ready to generate more profits and MAKE THE MONEY you are worthy of!

Video 1: Boss Up Your Business Finances

Here’s how you will Boss Up:

  • Uncover what limiting beliefs are driving the way you currently manage your business finances and release them now

  • Learn how to have a monthly Business Money Date and know what to do each month to manage your business finances and your biz bank account

  • Learn key questions you must ask yourself when reviewing your business financial statements so that you can easily make CEO decisions and continue to build a business that thrives and not just survives

  • Know the three critical cash flow distributions you must make each month so that your business serves you and the world

PLUS receive a customizable Business Money Date checklist to follow each month so that you know exactly what to do to manage your business finances.

Video 2: Build Up Your CEO Mindset

Here's how you will Build Up:

  • Uncover the mindset traps that are blocking you from achieving the results you desire in your business

  • Learn about your subconscious mind and understand what thoughts are driving any unproductive patterns and actions in your business 

  • Gain clarity on the level of mindset of your true CEO-self so that you can shift into this mindset each and every day 


Who is Boss Up to Build Up for?

You are an entrepreneur who answered the calling in your heart and have started to share your gifts in this world but need the mindset shifts to make more money and the money management tips to manage that money so that your business can create consistent income + impact. 

You have very little structure in place around managing your business finances and have no idea how to review and make CEO decisions based on your business performance and financial statements (ie. Income Statement/P&L)

You are not actively working on your biz mindset and find yourself constantly operating out of your limiting beliefs which causes you to not show up fully in your business or make the money you desire.

Ask yourself honestly, where will your business be one year from now if you continue with the same broken mindset and bad money management habits?

If the answer isn’t you with a BIG ABUNDANT BANK ACCOUNT, then it’s time to Boss Up to Build Up!


Ask yourself honestly, where will your business be one year from now if you continue with the same broken mindset and bad money management habits?

If the answer isn’t you with a BIG ABUNDANT BANK ACCOUNT, then it’s time to Boss Up to Build Up!


I'm a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), Master Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner (NLP) and the Founder of Mint Worthy Co.

When I started my business I had all the right systems and processes in place to manage my business finances (I was a CPA, afterall), but I didn’t have much money in my biz bank account to manage.

I was living daily with limiting beliefs that subconsciously kept me small and only led to building a mediocre business that made mediocre money in my first year. $40K that first year, to be exact. True story. I’ve had to do so much work on my own mindset blocks in order to build the successful 6 figure business I have today.

Through the work I have done on myself, and continue to do with my clients, I have realized that “how” we manage our business finances is directly related to “who” we are in our business. And that our level of mindset determines the level of money in our bank account.

I want you to live out the bold, audacious dreams that you have for your business and to know that you are so worthy of having it all! What lights me up most is seeing you step into your power, create a life + biz you love and have all the money you need to do so. I’m here for it. And I’m here for you!

I'm a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), Master Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner (NLP) and the Founder of Mint Worthy Co.

When I started my business I had all the right systems and processes in place to manage my business finances (I was a CPA, afterall), but I didn’t have much money in my biz bank account to manage.

I was living daily with limiting beliefs that subconsciously kept me small and only led to building a mediocre business that made mediocre money in my first year. $40K that first year, to be exact. True story. I’ve had to do so much work on my own mindset blocks in order to build the successful 6 figure business I have today.

Through the work I have done on myself, and continue to do with my clients, I have realized that “how” we manage our business finances is directly related to “who” we are in our business. And that our level of mindset determines the level of money in our bank account.

I want you to live out the bold, audacious dreams that you have for your business and to know that you are so worthy of having it all! What lights me up most is seeing you step into your power, create a life + biz you love and have all the money you need to do so. I’m here for it. And I’m here for you!